
Today your kids have more influencers than ever, and you’re one of them. You don’t even need the production skills of a livestreamer. All you need is to look, listen and love.


eye icon the stands for look


Its as simple as just being present with them. By paying attention to their behaviors, understanding their needs and encouraging them during all times it will help build that trusting relationship.

Learn more about being present

bubble talk icon the stands for listen


One of the most effective ways to promote positive behavioral health in your home is to make sure that you and your children talk.

Discover the power of listening

heart icon the stands for love


Children need to know and feel that they are loved and valued.

Learn more about love


Whether your child is three months or about to graduate college - Parents Lead provides support, resources, tools, and tips to parents and caregivers, in all shapes and forms. When children have a safe and supportive space to grow and develop, where behavioral health is nurtured, we all win.


Everyday Tips

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With the right tools and resources, your community can be one where parents are supported in guiding their children down a safe and healthy path. Whether you are a professional that works with parents and families or a community member wanting to support parents in your community. Parents Lead offers support.


Professional Resources

It Takes a Village